Modern Day Muskellunge World Records Program
Committed to the Recording and Verification of a Modern Day Muskellunge World Record!
This Is Our Story
Greetings fellow muskie anglers. The Committee of the Modern Day Muskellunge World Record Program (MDMWRP) is excited and proud to welcome you to our web site.
We exist to facilitate the recording and verification of a Modern Day muskellunge world record, covering a current void of record availability to North American muskie anglers for a muskie in the 58 to 67.5 pound range, considered by many to be within the maximum ultimate range of growth of the species. In fact, there has not been a muskellunge caught and kept in the first seventeen years of our program, that we are aware of that exceeds our current 58-pound Modern Day World Record! Obviously, however unlikely, should a muskie larger than 67.5-pounds exist and be caught, that too may be submitted to our program.